International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes are a system used to classify and code diseases, injuries and other health conditions. They are primarily used for tracking and analysing health data, as well as for billing and reimbursement in the healthcare system. Periodically the World Health Organization (WHO) updates the codes to reflect new advances in medical knowledge and technology. The codes can be used by healthcare providers, insurance companies and government agencies to help ensure patients receive the appropriate treatment and care.
Last year, the ICD codes were updated again. However, this time they were updated to record your vaccination status.
Code Z28.310 is for the unvaccinated - If the patient has not received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
Partially vaccinated individuals, those who have received at least one dose of a multi-dose COVID-19 regimen but have not received the full set of doses necessary to meet the CDC definition of “fully vaccinated” in place at the time of the encounter, have been assigned the code Z28.311.
They have even designated codes which give the reason why you didn’t get vaccinated.
Z28 codes already exist to record an immunization not carried out and Z28.3 codes record underimmunization status but not for any specific vaccine.
Why have these specific codes for COVID-19 vaccines been added and why is there a specific code for the unvaccinated? This has not happened before for any other vaccine.
Today’s reader-suggested book from the Ultimate Red Pill Reading List is:
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
Z28.310 here, I find "Pureblood" is much easier to say and write though.
Jokes aside, this is extremely disturbing.
Do not use the hospital system. Go to a private clinic. There is a massive shortage of doctors in Canada because thousands of doctors have left the system, some have gone private (they bill privately not through the government). My doctor is one such doctor. He also practices naturopathic medicine also. I also have a homeopathic doctor and I research everything myself. I have an excellent stack of books and I am the daughter of a retired surgeon so I know what questions to ask. I do not trust ANYTHING the hospitals doctors say about ANYTHING. In fact, I don't trust my union representatives either (actually I stopped trusting them well before Covid - they were also pushing "mandatory vaccination" as if my medical status was any of their business). Bottom line - the Victorians were right. They had a healthy sense of no nonsense skepticism. We need to cultivate Socratic Thinking. Problem is, much of the teaching pool is also gaga woke stupid. I know because I am a teacher. The kids will have to figure it out on their own if they do not come across a good teacher at the right age. My first real teacher was the French author Albert Camus. I read "La Peste" in French class. Best book ever as it goes into the Nazi invasion of France.