Advertising / propaganda played a massive part in keeping citizens compliant and afraid. Quite frankly, advertising companies should feel ashamed with the amount of societal manipulation they caused in exchange for government coin.
Early on in the pandemic, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) in the UK called for an increase in the perceived threat of Covid by using hard-hitting emotional messages. However, it has since been revealed that government contracts and messages were in place weeks before lockdowns were even suggested.
These adverts were produced in collaboration with behavioural scientists, trying to nudge people to do what they wanted using tactics that operate below the level of awareness.
The UK spent over £240 million on these adverts in 2020 and up to £320 million in 2021. Obscene amounts of money. To put this in context, the government spent £46 million on advertising “Get Ready for Brexit” in 2019, the biggest spend since the second world war.
I have posted some of the worst images from the UK below. They made people feel guilty, ashamed, worried that they would kill people and angry against those who did not precisely follow the rules.
However, I have not seen many images from different countries so please post a link to some of the worst propaganda you had to endure in your country, along with a translation if required. I will then collate them all for a separate post.
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This, if nothing else, is what made me question the narrative. In my eyes it was blatant propaganda but that’s probably because I studied Stalinist propaganda. Anyone else noticed the lowered gaze and uncomfortable silence of those who saw it as their moral duty to bully us and dismiss us in the height of all this? I wish just one would say, ‘you know, I was totally fooled by it and I’m sorry for the way I treated you’ but no one has. I even have one friend who has admitted they now see it for what it is but think they should be ‘rewarded’ for risking their health for the greater good and the unvaccinated should suffer because they didn’t . I said, ‘wow. You know you just said that out loud?’
Not all of them. 35% are sheep, complete and total. The rest were pressured. Either peer, family, to stay in school or keep food on the table. I know a few gunnie friends who did it because their wife pressured them. Here in Canada you need the jab to be able to fly and a few people I’ve talked to have elder parents in foreign countries.
True story happening right now in Canada: His 42 yo son died and he is elderly and wants to attend the funeral but lives 2800+ miles away. He is not allowed to fly, take train or bus because he never got vaccinated. He's forced to drive alone the entire distance. If that isn't the cruelest example of psychopathy.... Canada is ruled by absolute evil.
I am shocked and dismayed at what’s been happening in Canada and not a word of condemnation from our PM. Just shows that he is watching to see how it goes. May freedom prevail for you guys
And remember, "they" don't view them selves in any way cruel, they honestly believe they (the "fortunate" class) OWE it to the "less fortunate" to care for them, to protect them, to make the choices for them since they (the peasants) lack the education, the ability, to make "rational" decisions for their own life and body. This is NOT new, not even to this century, this "obligation" the so called "elite and privileged" have to the masses is an old philosophy, the old socialist "revolutions" were deeply rooted in this.
I know not all of them - husband is jabbed x2 because he was pressured by his mum but not having any more and we are very respectful of each other’s choices but I’m shocked at how many people have taken the moral high ground and cannot come down from it
Yup! The response I get nowadays from my (still!) pro-narrative friends is “don’t try to convince me”. It’s incredible how they still still grasp onto the narrative even as it’s crumbling.
I noticed and experienced what you described. Between family members and friends, I heard just about everything, from telling me I was “selfish”, “wrong”, “ignorant” and I “should do it for humanity”. All of it was delivered in arrogance with NEVER any sensitivity, consideration or any understanding of why I chose not to get jabbed. What worked for me (my sanity) was to always reply with a question, “Why is your fear more valid than mine?” , “Where is the humanity in how you are treating me or participating in the divide/separation between the vaxxed and unvaxxed?” NOT ONE SINGLE person has ever answered my questions. They would just repeat what ever they said before or get angry and walk away. These exchanges taught me a great deal about myself. I no longer waste my time wishing I could be heard or understood. Instead I focus on what I can do to avoid ever treating anyone like they have. I still get pissed off but it’s less frequent and passes quickly. Reading great work (like NE) on Substack, along with the different perspectives and observations I read in comments is like a teaspoon of medicine! I also look back at my younger behavior and recognize I too participated in the arrogance at times. For me, it’s been a huge awakening.
NE, love your work! Thank you for all the time and effort you put in.
Excellent questions, stellar actually ! Not surprised no one wanted to engage with you in the "open and honest discussion" that most progressives are literally screaming for ALL THE TIME. Truth is, they absolutely do NOT want to have any "open and honest" dialogue at all, they want to DOMINATE without every having to back anything up, just use purely emotionally supported opinions, so of course one person's emotionally motivated (and usually emotionally manipulative as well) opinion of of no greater or lesser value, than any other. You don't seem to need any advice, you understand what others tried to do to you (few even understand what is happening when sociopathic type personalities use manipulation and emotion to make their baseless arguments....but, for what it's worth, anytime any person employs emotionally laden language...that's a red flag ! Anytime a person uses "you" message communication over "I" message communication, your antenna should go up as far as possible, don't attempt to "reason" with such people. When a person says: "YOU are uncaring, careless, think only of yourself" (in relation to your decision about what is best for your life and body, it's a SUPER RED FLAG. They are afraid, VERY AFRAID, and YOU are busting their bubble. Deep inside they knew this vaccine was an untested rush job, they have deep fears it may not work, but the NEED to think/hope it will work, and the more they AFFIRM IT out loud, the more they drive down their own fears, at least a little under the surface. If a person gets up each morning and looks in the mirror and repeats affirmations ( I am a good person, I am worthwhile, I am loved, etc.) and never miss as day, it DOES have a positive effect. People who get many vaccinations are so terribly afraid no matter if they try to act like they are not. They ALL are human and they ALL have doubts. Now the actual data is not good, and looking worse each month as more comes in. Terror is going to set into these folks who convinced themselves they are now safe. IF a friend or relative says, "YOU are so selfish, how can YOU be like that and not care about the rest of us".... RED FLAG... if the person says " I am not sure what the final determination of this vaccine will be one day, but for ME, it seemed the right thing FOR ME (all "I" and "Me" messages/conversation, then you may want to have that "honest and open" dialogue, but in any conversation with words that portray emotions and judgements and are filled with "YOU" messages... that person is not wanting or capable to true "communication". True communication comes with only "I" messages ! I doubt the effectiveness of the vaccine but I went with it, I feel like I am making my small concession to the health of our whole community, I didn't want to take any changes on making anyone else ill, so I decided to try the shots,..... notice how many "I's" in THAT conversation ???? If it starts with YOU, (no matter what the topic, virus to what type of clothing you prefer) that is NOT a person to have a "conversation" with !
Yes “you” statements are quite revealing. I remind myself constantly that people are where they are and it’s none of my business. I don’t assume the reason behind their decisions or predict what may or may not happen after all is said and done. Once I hear a “you” or If I feel myself having a strong reaction, my go-to is always a question. One can’t argue with a question. I can also learn or possibly come to understand more about their fears IF they answer the question. Fear seems to be the common denominator for all emotions, IMO. I do have my boundaries and for those who are not volatile and/or respectful, I leave a little wiggle room.
Yes, so well understood and so well expressed. People who have a pattern of speaking using "I" messages are able to LEARN and expand their minds so much more others whose natural speech pattern is "YOU" messages. It's amazing so many do NOT want to entertain any other thoughts... and fear is at the root. It becomes easy to spot as they nearly always being with "YOU"..... and then finish their thought or sentence. It never begins with "I believe, or I "feel", etc.. It may look like anger at times, and in many situations anger is a "normal" response, of course, but still under all of it is one that one thing in many forms..... FEAR. Fear of death ? Fear of "looking bad ? Fear of looking "out of the know" ? Fear that you could be wrong and others might be correct ? When people are whipped into such a basic state as life or death, they HAVE to believe in something. In this case it was the shots, I mean, there was nothing else! When they were shown to be useless in preventing Covid, and you think about what might happen when people begin to realize the truth, the government was nearly forced to think up something, anything ! What would happen if several billion people were told they have taken a substance with no value at all and no long term record of safety ? Panic of course ! Fear magnified ? Rebellion even ? So, the perfect solution, to prevent total chaos, was to tell them it was not useless after all, that "at least" it would keep you from dying of Covid ! ? They had to come up with an answer to what could not longer be hidden and denied. What better than something completely UN-provable (reach back "they" thought, to Euclid, Riemann hypothesis, Goodstein, all those esoteric unknowables they had so much fun "discussing" perhaps, as student ? But knew very well the ignorant "peasants" would never have read any of that, so they could just make up any "mumbo jumbo" like: NO this is NOT a vaccine to prevent Covid, we TOLD you it was only to prevent DEATH and HOSPITALIZATION, you just didn't LISTEN carefully !!
So they came up with an airtight UN-provable, that the reason you DIDN'T die (when you got your vaccination and THEN contracted Covid) w,as only because YOU actually got the shot ! Now do you see, it DOES work because you got your shot, you got Covid, and you are still alive ! It works, it works ! It was perfect ! Like Riemann's hypothesis, perfect ! Set up a SOUND study to prove or not prove that one, LOL.... control group, would be ? Perfect solution, tell them some unknowable word salad......again, it's worked for us so far !
Yes! And add guilt to fear and you have the making of instruction oriented people. I want to believe most people would see the vaccine manipulation if they had the time or desire to hear different points of views, instead of only like-minded friends, family or political party.
So true so true.. But we all know there will always be those individuals who can never ever consider that they may have made a mistake. And to make matters worse, so many of those individuals seem to be concentrate in local, state, and federal governments!
What would've happened if the govs kept their cool, WHO followed the already in existence, guidelines and Great Barrington postulates (listen to the experts), with their message heavily supported by media (no need for corruption) to keep calm, that with 99.9% of survival rate there is no need to panic?! Safe preventative measures in place. Follow Nancy to Chinatown for celebrations. That was fine and then it was not. "Won't take the *Trump's* v**cine" then and now, mandates and v**ns from birth. Would be great to know exactly when and how we switched to "let's panic" mode, nothing but v**ins can save us? Well, we know why it all happened. Fancy that, turning the whole western world into panic and it looks like there is more to come.
My honest answer to you is while not perfect, I do believe our Gov did an exceptional job of that. One of the things I most admired was while posting detailed information for those who wished to take the vaccinations, he also directed our state agencies go equally give detailed public information on the value of alternatives like the state parks, beaches, public walking and biking trails, taking part in physical activities if you were medically able and posted detailed directions on how to receive alternative treatments, the locations, contact numbers. etc.
People were urged to lose weight if Indicated and to optimize their own personal health to the best of their ability and individual circumstances. I have many friends and family in other States who have told me their public health officials and public service announcements never even hinted at any of that !!? Think about that for a moment. We have constant public service announcements about saying no to drugs, planning for weather emergencies, wearing our seatbelts... And yet, all all through over 2 years the years of a pandemic very very few people report that their state state local and federal government was informing them of any steps they could take other than vaccine shots. Those who perished in our community did have other serious conditions that was a tragedy. I simply regret that there was much that COULD have been done (IF there had been the will !) to urge additional
measures to stay healthy ? When we give people public health advice In the face of a possible hurricane or tornado do we give them only one suggestion lr alternative ? Or do we do we advise them to get in an auto and leave the vicinity immediately immediately and still tell them if that is not possible, here are the alternatives, gather emergency medicine? emergency food, here are the safest places to take shelter, and so on. Nothing of the sort during the pandemic, comma it was cover your face with any cute design on a useless piece of common cotton fabric and go to the nearest grocer or drug store for a shot !
Quite likely. There will always be those in those individuals who did not voice them, but did have doubts about an unknown vaccine, but like everyone else had to make a decision and decided decided to take the chance. Many of those will now laugh at themselves and tell and tell their friends what a fool they were, And that will be the end of it, comma everyone knows everyone makes mistakes.. But there will always be those individuals who will never be able to accept that they made a mistake Even if the worst possible outcome happens and we find out in 10 or 15 years that this so called vaccine has done some horrendous permanent damage such as the possible ultimate outcome of the gain of function some in our public "health" sector were pushing.
I didn't know anything about virus behaviour but, the inconsistencies in messaging and the sudden green light for something created in a big hurry (let's adhere to the official narrative) heavily reinforced by a gigantic, world-wide propaganda, that my red light.
think about how they treat viruses in a lab, they wear full sealed suits with a separate air supply, they have extremely good air con, they have disinfectant areas and use ir light in the serious labs.
6 feet and a pair of panties wrapped around your face suddenly sounds absurd!
Disgusting propaganda. I don't have any examples from the US. I wasn't online in places where I was exposed, and I don't have a television. I do remember being in a client's home and they had CNN on. I was the top of the hour and their covid coverage was like a big event, highly produced, scary images flashed across the screen. It was similar graphics you would see in a big sporting event, which I've also seen in war coverage.
I totally agree about the health of not watching TV! 👍🏼
The CNN report didn't alarm me because I had studied propaganda and media manipulation techniques for years before then, and can pick it up in media fairly easily. I do think I would be affected if I watched it regularly though, even though I know it's propaganda. The technique of combining traumatic images with narratives gets into the limbic part of a person's brain, underneath the rational part, and activates the nervous system whether you want it to or not. So I feel it's best to stay away from watching propaganda. Reading it doesn't have the same effect.
I remember when the pandemic first began, I would occasionally read an article that would scare me or make me angry, like when a local female police officer died from covid but it wasn't recognized until it was too late, even though she went back to the hospital three times before she died at home.
What scared me most was learning about all the horrible possibilities of what's in this vaccine, and what it might do to societies.
Of course, the most rational, trained, mind will STILL react to EMOTIONAL stimuli... we are MADE TO, it HELPS us in some ways, we see FIRE and we run in the other direction. So of course, those wishing to dominate, dictate, control KNOW all those principles of psychology, and they KNOW many people in the USA have university level educations and know basic economic principles, know basic principles of human psychology, KNOW and recognize subtle manipulation, KNOW about the use of "scapegoats" and "straw-men", but they also know all humans react emotionally, are aware we are no longer a nation where nearly every citizen has graduated from high school, where people are voracious readers (life long consumers of knowledge even after formal education) , and who have an extremely high number of university educated individuals who have long since fallen to the trap of ego and materialism.... EVEN if an obscure "academic" virologists! We WERE that country, we no long ARE that country of course. Our enemies know that. Makes it easy for the "elites" to "rise" and control.
I have found the educated people around me fell for the narrative hook, line and sinker. I'm in a liberal part of California. The propaganda had a strong one-two punch. First it had the factual data manipulation, so people who weren't assessing the data themselves or following someone who did were easily hoodwinked.
The second very effective part was the psychological, as you pointed out. People are very psychologically vulnerable to propaganda, even highly educated people. It's been perfected through advertising and political think tanks. I think people are generally good-hearted and empathetic, and don't want to harm others, so we're vulnerable to messaging that being unvaccinated meant you are willing to kill people. We all want to be liked, and don't want to be outcast, and there was constant messaging that the "good and right thing to do" was to get vaccinated. Portraying unvaccinated people as right wing trump voters or conspiracy loons was effective for those who didn't want to be associated with that group. There was also a physical threat at some level, when your President says "we are getting impatient with you", and "you and your families are going to go through a winter of death". The threat of a majority of society turning against you is menacing.
Throw on top of all that the very real threat of losing income, or actually losing a job, from being unvaccinated, and we went through incredible pressure last year!
Every word you wrote is factual, rational, and each point backed up with a fact of the process or of human nature, not just an emotional rant about what's been done to "us". My colleagues at the university, as was I, were as vulnerable as anyone as you pointed out. In my own "defense"...LOL... I do have to say that I "caught on" much earlier than most because recognized what an orchestrated plan was being rolled out with well thought out manipulation, fear campaign, many areas at once, too perfect to have be happenstance. I had colleagues who taught in the college of medicine at the same university and while they were not those you saw on TV each night, they never spoke openly about the "Emperor being naked", by that I mean, they never said to other faculty, "wait a minute, don't be afraid, virus is one thing, bacteria another, you do not need to worry about taking your mail out of your office mail box, or living in fear of touching your office door knob or lock." The UNIVERSITY (for a period) actually closed the swimming pool though the entire scientific faculty in all the disciplines knew there was no danger of someone "catching" Covid by swimming laps in the always uncrowded pool faculty used. It got absurd, with VERY well educated people, yes, you are quite right. Beautiful golf course at our university... and you know, it's OUTSIDE, good, healthy, fresh air, right ? They PERMANENTLY fastened the flag poles into the holes, so they could NOT be removed to putt (some may not get that, but the golfers who read this WILL ! ) That's the day I finally said, HOW am I going to make sure I keep my mental health, I need a plan, because the people around me, my GOOD friends, are among the most educated and they are not acting or talking rationally !
Wow, that's pretty great that you realized it in the coordination the messaging.
Keep people from putting or swimming outdoors is so bizarre!!!! People's fearful limbic brain takes over and they do and impose fearful crazy things. 🤷
Another aspect that that made me suddenly realize what was happening, comma was when colleagues colleagues and friends begin begin asking constantly if I had found a place to get vaccinated yet, If I had been able to get an appointment, And would call me or send me emails emails that they update had been able enable to get an appointment at a mass site 20 to 45 minutes away and would call me or send me emails that they had been able to get an appointment at a mass injection site 25 to 45 minutes away and would vo on to give me the details and directions on how to get there. Now of course that would not have seemed at all strange if we had been speaking about that subject and I had expressed that I was frustrated because I had been unable to find a site that had open appointment times. But that was not the case at all ! At the time it was not even available at a legitimate M. D. and when it became the only conbersatio
Yes exactly, there was a time here in the states that EVERY network ran a loop of the piles of dead bodies (like we are seeing now in Ukraine), and finally you realize they were running the SAME picture of the SAME refrigerated semi-van (converted to a morgue), over and over as if it was actually happening at EVERY hospital in EVERY community in the entire USA, 24/7 running that on CNN from Atlanta and EVERY OTHER NETWORK we get here ! Got some people too frightened to even OPEN THEIR door to receive a UPS, or Fed Ex package... and now, I actually think instead of laughing at themselves now that they know what they know, I think they would still DO IT ALL AGAIN this fall. I predict before the election, all the unvaxed, or NOT up to date boosted, will be banned from VOTING IN PERSON. Probably will rig some kind of app, or website, where the unvaxed/unwashed must to cast their "votes',
Right!!?? When in reality hardly any of the overflow tents were used, and most hospitals were not at capacity, unless the area was having a spike. But media sure could give the impression that something very different was happening, as you described so well. 🙄
I agree, I think we're going to go through it all again this fall. I normally vote via mail anyway, and I haven't trusted the election system since it went to computer.
Yes, voting is too precious to have gone the tech route. It may be one of the few things we should have not "tinkered with". I remember in childhood, my parents and many of the others in our community, volunteered as election workers, on THE ELECTION DAY. It was very difficult to vote "absentee", they accepted few excuses. so people would not schedule vacations, other trips, etc. on election day
The number of legitimate excuses were few and far between. It was a LONG day for my parents and people in our community. People of BOTH parties volunteered, and if your party lost, they lost. Theu frequently had to count over and over, until 3 a.m. 5 a.m., to daylight. EVERY ballot had to be counted and secured. The paper ballots, only ONE to a person and no way to simply go to another precinct and "vote"... but then, our community was less than 50K residents, not an L.A., NYC, Chicago ! Still even big cities managed. Was their fraud, mistakes, yes, but now I actually think there was much LESS than today.
That is so cool that your parents were involved in voting process. I love voting. I agree that fraud could still happen with paper voting, but computers can change hundreds of thousands of votes in a blink of an eye. I trust paper ballots and human counting the most.
About the voting, I don't doubt they'd like to restrict in person voting for unvaxxed. From what I've read that maybe too much even for the lawless tyrants. Voting is one of the most legally protected rights in the law, restricting it for any reason would be tough to square in a court. They probably would have banned in person entirely in 2020 if they could get away with it, but that didn't happen anywhere, even NY and CA.
Right... but you know, so many things have now happened that in the past, I've had stimulating discussions about with friends and colleagues, and FIRMLY believed "that could never happen in THIS country".... I no longer believe that, too may things "against the law, against the constitution, etc. have happened using this "loophole" or that forgotten "law", it's like the "poison pill" in a stock take over attempt... no longer do I believe that things could not happen, things like a "plague" making a kind of Marshal law type emergency ban on in person voting, or circumstances saying, "sorry, absolutely impossible to find individuals willing to staff precincts in this "health emergency", etc. etc. I'm always on alert now !
Yes, you know, there are so many horrific fallout's from all this, the obvious ones people speak of openly now, the loss of so many hours of quality education, the numbers of children left alone at home (because their parents could not stay home and teach them, so left alone and told to be sure to "pay attention" to the "Zoom" lessons. The drain on all our medical resources, the toll on our collective mental health in this country, etc. But for years to come it will be obvious how the trust of the people in their government, their judicial system (Lady Liberty with the Blindfold and Scales ?). The suspicion now of organizations that previously only had the trust of 50% or less to begin with, now how to people view such organizations as the WHO, the CDC, the U.S. National Health Service... etc. I don't think most people realize just how corrosive, how damaging it actually is to loose all confidence in their government and their system of government, there is much ahead as the damage ALL comes to light !
Don't know if you are in the USA but it certainly is not going to be "going away" with this HIGHLY contested midterm election coming this fall. It's going to be a Fauci, Uncle Joe nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue horror movie. Purposeful inflation that has NOTHING to do with "Putin" that is "explained" by people who can not possibly studied economics, micro or macro ! What a convoluted mess when they try to link this to "Putin's war".... the FIRST move the man made was "promise" a young girl (used as a photo stooge!) that he would get RID OF, not cut down on, but get RID OF, all the evil fossil fuel industry ! Then cut the pipe line, THEN let our Canadian neighbors know we preferred to buy "dirty oil" (requiring much more refining, more energy needed) from places like Venezuela, or Russia, I mean this administration is a real mess with not one having any DEPTH of understanding, or how to even begin to break down and analyze a problem, event, or situation ! ! It's frightening !
People are so conditioned to allow advertising to manipulate them, and the governments and corporations know this well. And they've taken full advantage.
If you care to, please check out this piece I wrote last week talking in detail about how these master manipulators can change the minds of those that have been conditioned.
Exactly ! I've posted before that back when I and my friends were in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, we had economics, algebra, world and U.S. history just in PREPARATION for the classes we would be REQUIRED to take in High school. Our CIVICS instructor had a weekly assignment, in ADDITION to any other home work, each week we had to choose an ad, break it down word for word, circle any words with emotional roots, and then write a summary exposing any unproven/ manipulative/subversive ideas. Every Monday these were turned in, and put on the board, and discussion was led by our teacher. Ads such as these were analyzed: More doctors smoke ____cigarettes than any other brand, YOU DESERVE a Buick, ____ the breakfast of CHAMPIONS, and our teacher would point out how nearly EVERY ad we had analyzed and turned in said NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL ! We need to put some of these things BACK into public education !
I'm in Australia and it has never been as bad. These days, it seems, people need to be told what to buy, what to eat, what education to get, where to invest/insure, what to think, what/who to like, how to live/spend their time, who to follow, who to trust...........anything, but to think and trust themselves.
Very cheery in tone indeed, the msg is clear: protect yourself, protect it the children. Truly unbelievable, it looks to me like they're NOT aware of the data that Schizer has been releasing, not aware of any other numbers/studies that have been published, nothing like we're in the same situation from a year ago. Really scary. Data and info coming out from legit, official gov. sources let's say UK ?! You hear nothing of it. That's why I thought it must be really bad when the "Darth Vader" (qld health) came on camera with the increased numbers in emergencies. They knew they couldn't hide those. I can't wait for this tragic circus' final act.
Same here in Canada. In between all the 90s soft rock that I love while shopping 🤣they interrupt with reminders to “keep everyone safe” and social distance. Was at the mall for my teens’ bdays the other weekend and there were signs in the washrooms and throughout the mall on how to wash your hands! “20 seconds to keep our property safe”. They think we’re all stupid!!!
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, EMF radiation, GEOENGINEERING, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
Worst part is they keep telling us it's for our own good, and they really believe it (or seem to, anyway). What happens to a person to make him/her into such a monster?
It has recently come to my attention that the way they get away with lie of putting Covid on gene death certificate was to threaten to ‘cut up’ the dead relative for an autopsy, had it from a couple of U.K. sources now ( yes I know that autopsy’s were done away with but that didn’t stop those demons from playing that card ) 👿
In our blue state, we are still being subjected to scare-tactic moralizing type ads to get vaccinated. It's disgusting that federal/state taxes are used for this propaganda. When all these ads and hourly case/death updates first showed up on cable news stations, and then continued/continue to be shown, my radar peaked and I could see right through all of it. If the vaccines worked so great, why the need for all the scaremongering? Why the needs for mandates? It's amazing how easily most of the population is so easily persuaded.
Thanks for reproducing those images. The reality of it was even worse since they were widely posted on bus shelters. Imagine those pictures in a 2 meter high format. The sickly yellow and red colours were carefully chosen to horrify and sicken. I had to leave the UK (dual citizen) to preserve what was left of my mental health after the relentless assault. Can't imagine what it would have been like had I been a tv watcher.
And it was worse on sites such as Pinterest which played the same images on the top row, but as videos, or GIFs that moved. I go on Pinterest to relax and be inspired by beautiful art but I had to stop as the gasping, distressed faces in breathing apparatus were giving me flashbacks to when my father was dying ( not from covid) and it was frankly horrific
Dual citizen here too. I spent most of winter 20/21 abroad to escape the claustrophobia of the UK at the time. The mood here was miserable, society was locked down, and to add insult to injury we were being subjected to psychological torture every day via these sick propaganda campaigns, government briefings, and media headlines.
I have always thought that the Covid atrocity could not have been pulled off without corrupt community leaders. If Fauci, the WHO, etc. had gone to the podium and been truthful (“bad flu”, protect the vulnerable, common sense early treatment, etc.) common sense would have prevailed. But the power they held wouldn’t let them and as a result the globe is in tatters. Perhaps we needed this so we could find our courage.
No contest, the U.K. beats the US hands down for shameless fear mongering Covid advertising. The American Advertising Federation must have been green with envy. After this there should be a new Advertising Awards category titled “Dumbed Down, Animal Level, Moronic”. The NHS would have walked away with it in 2020 and 2021, all smiles I’m sure.
My guess is that the reason the US didn’t follow suit is that we don’t have a nationalized health care system. Instead, the federal government just dumped money on states that they could use for “awareness” campaigns. The state bureaucracies don’t really have the infrastructure or expertise for creating decent propaganda so the money just got flushed out to the agencies and production houses and the resulting ad campaigns just got lost in the shuffle.
"The ethics statement in the study says the experiments conducted were fielded under an exemption granted by the University. It’s not difficult to understand why."
In California, electronic signs on major freeways warned "GET VACCINATED!" and "MASKS SAVE LIVES" and on and on it went. All over, warnings and admonitions to frighten, coerce and insist that if you didn't obey, you were responsible for someone's imminent death. Silly and stupid to fall for this nonsense.
Because most people did not have the fortune of taking Professor P’s composition class and doing his essay assignment on How to Read an Ad. It was a great exercise in critical thinking, one that has stuck with me subconsciously ever since. It’s really fun when I go conscious about it.
Thank you Professor P! (Even if we did end up butting heads over your progressivism in Summer of 2016.)
Yes! I also remember taking a class where we spent time discussing/dissecting advertisements and their messaging/manipulation. To this day, I credit that class/teacher for helping me to stay alert to the subtle and not so subtle mass manipulation.
I must admit I half heartedly fell for it all at the beginning! But being a psych major and an avid Mad Men watcher back in the day helped me wake up, ha! Once I realized the vax didn’t stop transmission it all unraveled much faster for me.
Interestingly, we didn’t experience much propaganda after the lockdowns because we don’t have TV. And we were taking in info from as many sources as possible, before the tech companies were able to curate the internet. Now, all the sources that proved reliable early on are hard to find unless you already know of their existence. I mention this because it seems that it wasn’t just about propagating a message, but also about prohibiting opposing messages.
That's a horrible ad. Trying to normalise something abhorrent (excluding the unvaccinated from social events)... o_O
This explains why Americans have been far more judgmental around vaccination, and far more venomous in how they've treated their friends and family. A friend of mine in the U.S. recently sent an email about the birth of her baby and at the end it said: "Please be up-to-date with your covid booster if you wish to visit and snuggle our little one".
I was appalled. This would be incredibly inappropriate in the UK... Not saying it hasn't happened (there are extremists everywhere) but I haven't personally come across this type of exclusion and discrimination directly from people (even those who are very pro-vaxx). In general people here are far more guarded about asking about vaccination status -- most people see it as private information, unless you're a very close friend or family member. People are much more comfortable volunteering their own status, rather than asking about someone else's (as it should be, really).
What did happen in the UK was that the Govt promoted testing hardcore and made rapid tests available for free. So it became a bit of a fad for a while for people to request that everyone attending an event get tested beforehand. Still medically coercive -- but at least not discriminatory.
Those posters are chilling, horrifying, even more than the TV ads with the specially written song with the words "little ones, don't worry now, NOW you get to LIVE, you're parents LOVE you your parents CARE, so you get to LIVE.... " then shows holding your children and grandchildren while they are given the "vaccination"... I feel physically ill just watching it !
Yes ! a kind of "folk" like song you'd play for kindergarten, "little ones, you can LIVE, you're going to be okay, etc. lyrics ! Usually pay no attention when ads come on TV, but song got my attention, turned, and just shook my head in amazement. Not something typical of Fl public health announcements ! Then had to get close to screen to see the TINY "sponsored by", almost can't make it out, but appears to be a federally "sponsored" (tax payer paid") ad aimed at vaccinating very small children ! ! Really turned me off, I assume this is running nationally since, as I said, nothing like FL public service announcements ! The vaccination of small children, as well as teens, is not going well here (from the government perspective), and especially not well in Florida. As elections draw near, the politicians may have to make a choice between continuing to push the government "vaccines" on youth, and backing off so as to look less authoritarian driven ? Signs seem to be ever super "progressive" (lots and lots of shots... as many as the law will allow) California is showing sings of backing off on injecting children ... hummm, elections nearing I guess ! ?
I have to compose myself to put a lid on my anger. Same thing is happening with the push to 'educate' little children about gender and sexuality at school.
Oh wow these are HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see more! Although I thought this would make me laugh but really it’s pissing me off! Anyway, here in Canada we still have YouTube ads (in between the Russell Brand videos I watch 🤣) on how the best way to protect your children is to get them vaxxed. And when I go into the drug store now there’s a sign that says “masks strongly encouraged while shopping”. Will it ever end?!!!
The only thing that overrules logic is emotion, they knew this. The logic was non existent so they had to resort to fear 📈😳
As you rightly say the advertising spend was massive, the government became the advertisers best customer ( for a while ) but now that is at an end and I can’t wait for all these cucks to go bust 📉🚽
Exactly, disagree w Obama politics. You’re a Racist! Whaaaat. I don’t like what he’s doing. No, you’re a white supremest hater racist. But I’m black. No you’re not black, you’re an Oreo…… on and on
Those ads are disgusting. We had a lot of propaganda here in Australia, but nothing this bad (that I am aware of). Scare-mongering "news" articles were probably the worst, to my way of thinking.
Of course, different states here had different ad campaigns (I'm in Queensland) so maybe other states can tell a different story.
You may find the “octalysis framework” enlightening. Originally intended for gamification, it appears to have been weaponized against the masses. But it’s possible that the research he used to develop the framework is what’s being weaponized against us, and his framework is a consolidation of that research. Either way, it’s useful.
You’ll have to move past the slimy promotional aspects of the framework. The intended audience seems to be corporate types. But I’m telling you, it’s such a useful consolidation of the research on motivating human behavior.
Wow, that is awful and also blatant disinformation. It's the closest I've seen to the UK campaign (we had TV and radio versions of the ads above, with very sinister music and disturbing hospital scenes). Example:
Yeah it’s crazy to think that was only 9 months ago and that healthy people genuinely thought that would be their experience of Covid — struggling to breathe on a ventilator in hospital. I’m just grateful the public perception is finally starting to shift.
I live in the UK but have travelled to Spain to see my family throughout the pandemic (well, once their harsh national lockdown ended in June 2020). In Spain I have never seen a propaganda campaign like what we had in the UK. I saw plenty of standard public health signage -- reminders to wear obligatory masks on transport or stores, or to stay 2m apart. But I never saw anything that could be classed as a government campaign designed to instill fear, guilt and shame.
In Spain, that was purely the role of the media. While the government relayed information in a matter-of-fact way or tried to appeal to people's sense of solidarity (for example, saying things like "masks protect everyone"), it was the broadcasters who stoked fear, shamed people, and speculated constantly about imminent spikes if people mixed too much, or didn't wear masks properly, or took summer holidays.
It was a real respite, as an ordinary person, travelling to Spain during the worst of the UK fear campaign -- between autumn 2020 and spring 2021. In Spain, all I had to do to escape the propaganda was to switch off the TV and not look at newspapers. In the UK, it truly felt inescapable. Right outside my block of flats there was a digital display showing the "look me in the eyes" ads on loop, and a bit further down my street there were giant billboards showcasing that same messaging. It was dreadful -- I even made a Twitter thread about it a little over a year ago
The very worst here in NYC have been the TV ads.. one running now says "Kids can be vaccine heroes" then shows masked kiddies age 5 in superhero costumes urging jabs for everyone over age 5 saying save lives. More pervasive is the billion dollar PR campaign blanketing our subways, promoting jabs with incentives and full court press for masks & claims jabs are safe and effective. My Flickr has an assortment if anyone is curious how the world capitol of advertising competes to manufacture consent for political policy.
As a side note the expanding mandates here have forced me out of a *volunteer photography* role as city jab mandates now includes all city workers and unpaid program volunteers. Everyone is safer with my park pics banned from WSP Flickr, sigh.
This is a six foot high subway sign if you look closely you see the person seated behind it.
Thank you for sharing! It's fascinating to document as so many people have memory-holed a lot of what we've been subjected to. The "free vaccinations, free rides" sign is especially galling! As a Spanish speaker I am also amused at all the signs intended to reach the Hispanic population.
I live in the UK and have photographic record of all the ad campaigns but haven't created an online repository, so to speak. I did do a Twitter thread last year documenting the worst of it, though
The messaging softened up a little with omicron but was still dystopian -- "Don't let covid hang around", featuring a sinister black mist floating around people going about their day-to-day lives.
The most base, ego centric people seek power, fame and wealth (represented today in politicians, media and the least skilled in their field rising to the top of industry). Even without the corruption of the past 50 or more years human nature and rapidly evolving tech would have lead us in this direction. I do not believe these A-holes represent the majority of the human race. How the hell do we usurp their power? It was bad enough when this transparent fear propaganda worked in real time (hyped terrorist threat, hyped corona, hyped this and that for 60 years). There has to be a way to counter it. If not, here in the US we will just usher in new neolib and neocon patsies to do the corporate lobbyist bidding for money and media attention. I can't puke and choke on my bile for the remaining years of my life. If this BS isn't exposed and corrected now then it never will be. There has to be a way to wake up the people falling for this crap. One at a time attempts are starting to feel demoralizing.
So these are really similar to the ads that the UK government started to pump out around March/April 2021 and into summer. They purposefully shifted the tone from threatening to reassuring so as to align with the loosening of restrictions, and adopted the slogan "Let's keep going". Still infuriating, but not as dystopian.
This, if nothing else, is what made me question the narrative. In my eyes it was blatant propaganda but that’s probably because I studied Stalinist propaganda. Anyone else noticed the lowered gaze and uncomfortable silence of those who saw it as their moral duty to bully us and dismiss us in the height of all this? I wish just one would say, ‘you know, I was totally fooled by it and I’m sorry for the way I treated you’ but no one has. I even have one friend who has admitted they now see it for what it is but think they should be ‘rewarded’ for risking their health for the greater good and the unvaccinated should suffer because they didn’t . I said, ‘wow. You know you just said that out loud?’
You're right I've experienced similar. In reality the vaxed are fucking idiots, they know it but absolutely will not admit it... Ever
Not all of them. 35% are sheep, complete and total. The rest were pressured. Either peer, family, to stay in school or keep food on the table. I know a few gunnie friends who did it because their wife pressured them. Here in Canada you need the jab to be able to fly and a few people I’ve talked to have elder parents in foreign countries.
True story happening right now in Canada: His 42 yo son died and he is elderly and wants to attend the funeral but lives 2800+ miles away. He is not allowed to fly, take train or bus because he never got vaccinated. He's forced to drive alone the entire distance. If that isn't the cruelest example of psychopathy.... Canada is ruled by absolute evil.
I am shocked and dismayed at what’s been happening in Canada and not a word of condemnation from our PM. Just shows that he is watching to see how it goes. May freedom prevail for you guys
And remember, "they" don't view them selves in any way cruel, they honestly believe they (the "fortunate" class) OWE it to the "less fortunate" to care for them, to protect them, to make the choices for them since they (the peasants) lack the education, the ability, to make "rational" decisions for their own life and body. This is NOT new, not even to this century, this "obligation" the so called "elite and privileged" have to the masses is an old philosophy, the old socialist "revolutions" were deeply rooted in this.
Yes, it does, always, over and over and over......
I know people who took it for job reasons and job reasons only. Losing your house can be a motivator.
Yes, me too
I know not all of them - husband is jabbed x2 because he was pressured by his mum but not having any more and we are very respectful of each other’s choices but I’m shocked at how many people have taken the moral high ground and cannot come down from it
Yup! The response I get nowadays from my (still!) pro-narrative friends is “don’t try to convince me”. It’s incredible how they still still grasp onto the narrative even as it’s crumbling.
I noticed and experienced what you described. Between family members and friends, I heard just about everything, from telling me I was “selfish”, “wrong”, “ignorant” and I “should do it for humanity”. All of it was delivered in arrogance with NEVER any sensitivity, consideration or any understanding of why I chose not to get jabbed. What worked for me (my sanity) was to always reply with a question, “Why is your fear more valid than mine?” , “Where is the humanity in how you are treating me or participating in the divide/separation between the vaxxed and unvaxxed?” NOT ONE SINGLE person has ever answered my questions. They would just repeat what ever they said before or get angry and walk away. These exchanges taught me a great deal about myself. I no longer waste my time wishing I could be heard or understood. Instead I focus on what I can do to avoid ever treating anyone like they have. I still get pissed off but it’s less frequent and passes quickly. Reading great work (like NE) on Substack, along with the different perspectives and observations I read in comments is like a teaspoon of medicine! I also look back at my younger behavior and recognize I too participated in the arrogance at times. For me, it’s been a huge awakening.
NE, love your work! Thank you for all the time and effort you put in.
Excellent questions, stellar actually ! Not surprised no one wanted to engage with you in the "open and honest discussion" that most progressives are literally screaming for ALL THE TIME. Truth is, they absolutely do NOT want to have any "open and honest" dialogue at all, they want to DOMINATE without every having to back anything up, just use purely emotionally supported opinions, so of course one person's emotionally motivated (and usually emotionally manipulative as well) opinion of of no greater or lesser value, than any other. You don't seem to need any advice, you understand what others tried to do to you (few even understand what is happening when sociopathic type personalities use manipulation and emotion to make their baseless arguments....but, for what it's worth, anytime any person employs emotionally laden language...that's a red flag ! Anytime a person uses "you" message communication over "I" message communication, your antenna should go up as far as possible, don't attempt to "reason" with such people. When a person says: "YOU are uncaring, careless, think only of yourself" (in relation to your decision about what is best for your life and body, it's a SUPER RED FLAG. They are afraid, VERY AFRAID, and YOU are busting their bubble. Deep inside they knew this vaccine was an untested rush job, they have deep fears it may not work, but the NEED to think/hope it will work, and the more they AFFIRM IT out loud, the more they drive down their own fears, at least a little under the surface. If a person gets up each morning and looks in the mirror and repeats affirmations ( I am a good person, I am worthwhile, I am loved, etc.) and never miss as day, it DOES have a positive effect. People who get many vaccinations are so terribly afraid no matter if they try to act like they are not. They ALL are human and they ALL have doubts. Now the actual data is not good, and looking worse each month as more comes in. Terror is going to set into these folks who convinced themselves they are now safe. IF a friend or relative says, "YOU are so selfish, how can YOU be like that and not care about the rest of us".... RED FLAG... if the person says " I am not sure what the final determination of this vaccine will be one day, but for ME, it seemed the right thing FOR ME (all "I" and "Me" messages/conversation, then you may want to have that "honest and open" dialogue, but in any conversation with words that portray emotions and judgements and are filled with "YOU" messages... that person is not wanting or capable to true "communication". True communication comes with only "I" messages ! I doubt the effectiveness of the vaccine but I went with it, I feel like I am making my small concession to the health of our whole community, I didn't want to take any changes on making anyone else ill, so I decided to try the shots,..... notice how many "I's" in THAT conversation ???? If it starts with YOU, (no matter what the topic, virus to what type of clothing you prefer) that is NOT a person to have a "conversation" with !
Yes “you” statements are quite revealing. I remind myself constantly that people are where they are and it’s none of my business. I don’t assume the reason behind their decisions or predict what may or may not happen after all is said and done. Once I hear a “you” or If I feel myself having a strong reaction, my go-to is always a question. One can’t argue with a question. I can also learn or possibly come to understand more about their fears IF they answer the question. Fear seems to be the common denominator for all emotions, IMO. I do have my boundaries and for those who are not volatile and/or respectful, I leave a little wiggle room.
Yes, so well understood and so well expressed. People who have a pattern of speaking using "I" messages are able to LEARN and expand their minds so much more others whose natural speech pattern is "YOU" messages. It's amazing so many do NOT want to entertain any other thoughts... and fear is at the root. It becomes easy to spot as they nearly always being with "YOU"..... and then finish their thought or sentence. It never begins with "I believe, or I "feel", etc.. It may look like anger at times, and in many situations anger is a "normal" response, of course, but still under all of it is one that one thing in many forms..... FEAR. Fear of death ? Fear of "looking bad ? Fear of looking "out of the know" ? Fear that you could be wrong and others might be correct ? When people are whipped into such a basic state as life or death, they HAVE to believe in something. In this case it was the shots, I mean, there was nothing else! When they were shown to be useless in preventing Covid, and you think about what might happen when people begin to realize the truth, the government was nearly forced to think up something, anything ! What would happen if several billion people were told they have taken a substance with no value at all and no long term record of safety ? Panic of course ! Fear magnified ? Rebellion even ? So, the perfect solution, to prevent total chaos, was to tell them it was not useless after all, that "at least" it would keep you from dying of Covid ! ? They had to come up with an answer to what could not longer be hidden and denied. What better than something completely UN-provable (reach back "they" thought, to Euclid, Riemann hypothesis, Goodstein, all those esoteric unknowables they had so much fun "discussing" perhaps, as student ? But knew very well the ignorant "peasants" would never have read any of that, so they could just make up any "mumbo jumbo" like: NO this is NOT a vaccine to prevent Covid, we TOLD you it was only to prevent DEATH and HOSPITALIZATION, you just didn't LISTEN carefully !!
So they came up with an airtight UN-provable, that the reason you DIDN'T die (when you got your vaccination and THEN contracted Covid) w,as only because YOU actually got the shot ! Now do you see, it DOES work because you got your shot, you got Covid, and you are still alive ! It works, it works ! It was perfect ! Like Riemann's hypothesis, perfect ! Set up a SOUND study to prove or not prove that one, LOL.... control group, would be ? Perfect solution, tell them some unknowable word salad......again, it's worked for us so far !
Yes! And add guilt to fear and you have the making of instruction oriented people. I want to believe most people would see the vaccine manipulation if they had the time or desire to hear different points of views, instead of only like-minded friends, family or political party.
So true so true.. But we all know there will always be those individuals who can never ever consider that they may have made a mistake. And to make matters worse, so many of those individuals seem to be concentrate in local, state, and federal governments!
What would've happened if the govs kept their cool, WHO followed the already in existence, guidelines and Great Barrington postulates (listen to the experts), with their message heavily supported by media (no need for corruption) to keep calm, that with 99.9% of survival rate there is no need to panic?! Safe preventative measures in place. Follow Nancy to Chinatown for celebrations. That was fine and then it was not. "Won't take the *Trump's* v**cine" then and now, mandates and v**ns from birth. Would be great to know exactly when and how we switched to "let's panic" mode, nothing but v**ins can save us? Well, we know why it all happened. Fancy that, turning the whole western world into panic and it looks like there is more to come.
My honest answer to you is while not perfect, I do believe our Gov did an exceptional job of that. One of the things I most admired was while posting detailed information for those who wished to take the vaccinations, he also directed our state agencies go equally give detailed public information on the value of alternatives like the state parks, beaches, public walking and biking trails, taking part in physical activities if you were medically able and posted detailed directions on how to receive alternative treatments, the locations, contact numbers. etc.
People were urged to lose weight if Indicated and to optimize their own personal health to the best of their ability and individual circumstances. I have many friends and family in other States who have told me their public health officials and public service announcements never even hinted at any of that !!? Think about that for a moment. We have constant public service announcements about saying no to drugs, planning for weather emergencies, wearing our seatbelts... And yet, all all through over 2 years the years of a pandemic very very few people report that their state state local and federal government was informing them of any steps they could take other than vaccine shots. Those who perished in our community did have other serious conditions that was a tragedy. I simply regret that there was much that COULD have been done (IF there had been the will !) to urge additional
measures to stay healthy ? When we give people public health advice In the face of a possible hurricane or tornado do we give them only one suggestion lr alternative ? Or do we do we advise them to get in an auto and leave the vicinity immediately immediately and still tell them if that is not possible, here are the alternatives, gather emergency medicine? emergency food, here are the safest places to take shelter, and so on. Nothing of the sort during the pandemic, comma it was cover your face with any cute design on a useless piece of common cotton fabric and go to the nearest grocer or drug store for a shot !
I'm afraid that, no matter when and how, the issue (vax) is removed, the society will remain in lingering division.
Unfortunately right now, it looks and feels that way to me too Marta.
Quite likely. There will always be those in those individuals who did not voice them, but did have doubts about an unknown vaccine, but like everyone else had to make a decision and decided decided to take the chance. Many of those will now laugh at themselves and tell and tell their friends what a fool they were, And that will be the end of it, comma everyone knows everyone makes mistakes.. But there will always be those individuals who will never be able to accept that they made a mistake Even if the worst possible outcome happens and we find out in 10 or 15 years that this so called vaccine has done some horrendous permanent damage such as the possible ultimate outcome of the gain of function some in our public "health" sector were pushing.
luckily im too much of a psychopath to care
oh wait no, i mean i understood the deception cos i knew about virus behaviour and that this was some sick shit right from the off
I didn't know anything about virus behaviour but, the inconsistencies in messaging and the sudden green light for something created in a big hurry (let's adhere to the official narrative) heavily reinforced by a gigantic, world-wide propaganda, that my red light.
good for you for being alert.
think about how they treat viruses in a lab, they wear full sealed suits with a separate air supply, they have extremely good air con, they have disinfectant areas and use ir light in the serious labs.
6 feet and a pair of panties wrapped around your face suddenly sounds absurd!
I don't have an example handy, but on a related note, I thought this was interesting - see how they are sure to say it was the military's (Canadian) own idea in the 2nd paragraph? LOL, ya right:
Interesting thanks!
Exactly what I was thinking of, how much it reminds me of the WW propaganda posters, with Covid starring as Uncle Sam.
Disgusting propaganda. I don't have any examples from the US. I wasn't online in places where I was exposed, and I don't have a television. I do remember being in a client's home and they had CNN on. I was the top of the hour and their covid coverage was like a big event, highly produced, scary images flashed across the screen. It was similar graphics you would see in a big sporting event, which I've also seen in war coverage.
Did anywhere in the back of your mind instinctively react with alarm about the virus when you firat saw that? Before your rational mind overrode it?
Not watching TV was probably one of the healthiest things one could do during the pandemic.
So true! We haven't watched tv for over ten years. Thankful for the online groups sharing their experiences.
I was in California , recovering from surgery. Media was on. Hadn’t really found back channels yet.
I was afraid , but questioning .
A friend sent me David E Martin videos. I was cured of MSM.
Oh great, have a lot of respect for David Martin. I hope you have reached full recovery from your surgery. 💕
I did thank you. Hip replacement.
I totally agree about the health of not watching TV! 👍🏼
The CNN report didn't alarm me because I had studied propaganda and media manipulation techniques for years before then, and can pick it up in media fairly easily. I do think I would be affected if I watched it regularly though, even though I know it's propaganda. The technique of combining traumatic images with narratives gets into the limbic part of a person's brain, underneath the rational part, and activates the nervous system whether you want it to or not. So I feel it's best to stay away from watching propaganda. Reading it doesn't have the same effect.
I remember when the pandemic first began, I would occasionally read an article that would scare me or make me angry, like when a local female police officer died from covid but it wasn't recognized until it was too late, even though she went back to the hospital three times before she died at home.
What scared me most was learning about all the horrible possibilities of what's in this vaccine, and what it might do to societies.
Of course, the most rational, trained, mind will STILL react to EMOTIONAL stimuli... we are MADE TO, it HELPS us in some ways, we see FIRE and we run in the other direction. So of course, those wishing to dominate, dictate, control KNOW all those principles of psychology, and they KNOW many people in the USA have university level educations and know basic economic principles, know basic principles of human psychology, KNOW and recognize subtle manipulation, KNOW about the use of "scapegoats" and "straw-men", but they also know all humans react emotionally, are aware we are no longer a nation where nearly every citizen has graduated from high school, where people are voracious readers (life long consumers of knowledge even after formal education) , and who have an extremely high number of university educated individuals who have long since fallen to the trap of ego and materialism.... EVEN if an obscure "academic" virologists! We WERE that country, we no long ARE that country of course. Our enemies know that. Makes it easy for the "elites" to "rise" and control.
I have found the educated people around me fell for the narrative hook, line and sinker. I'm in a liberal part of California. The propaganda had a strong one-two punch. First it had the factual data manipulation, so people who weren't assessing the data themselves or following someone who did were easily hoodwinked.
The second very effective part was the psychological, as you pointed out. People are very psychologically vulnerable to propaganda, even highly educated people. It's been perfected through advertising and political think tanks. I think people are generally good-hearted and empathetic, and don't want to harm others, so we're vulnerable to messaging that being unvaccinated meant you are willing to kill people. We all want to be liked, and don't want to be outcast, and there was constant messaging that the "good and right thing to do" was to get vaccinated. Portraying unvaccinated people as right wing trump voters or conspiracy loons was effective for those who didn't want to be associated with that group. There was also a physical threat at some level, when your President says "we are getting impatient with you", and "you and your families are going to go through a winter of death". The threat of a majority of society turning against you is menacing.
Throw on top of all that the very real threat of losing income, or actually losing a job, from being unvaccinated, and we went through incredible pressure last year!
Every word you wrote is factual, rational, and each point backed up with a fact of the process or of human nature, not just an emotional rant about what's been done to "us". My colleagues at the university, as was I, were as vulnerable as anyone as you pointed out. In my own "defense"...LOL... I do have to say that I "caught on" much earlier than most because recognized what an orchestrated plan was being rolled out with well thought out manipulation, fear campaign, many areas at once, too perfect to have be happenstance. I had colleagues who taught in the college of medicine at the same university and while they were not those you saw on TV each night, they never spoke openly about the "Emperor being naked", by that I mean, they never said to other faculty, "wait a minute, don't be afraid, virus is one thing, bacteria another, you do not need to worry about taking your mail out of your office mail box, or living in fear of touching your office door knob or lock." The UNIVERSITY (for a period) actually closed the swimming pool though the entire scientific faculty in all the disciplines knew there was no danger of someone "catching" Covid by swimming laps in the always uncrowded pool faculty used. It got absurd, with VERY well educated people, yes, you are quite right. Beautiful golf course at our university... and you know, it's OUTSIDE, good, healthy, fresh air, right ? They PERMANENTLY fastened the flag poles into the holes, so they could NOT be removed to putt (some may not get that, but the golfers who read this WILL ! ) That's the day I finally said, HOW am I going to make sure I keep my mental health, I need a plan, because the people around me, my GOOD friends, are among the most educated and they are not acting or talking rationally !
Wow, that's pretty great that you realized it in the coordination the messaging.
Keep people from putting or swimming outdoors is so bizarre!!!! People's fearful limbic brain takes over and they do and impose fearful crazy things. 🤷
Another aspect that that made me suddenly realize what was happening, comma was when colleagues colleagues and friends begin begin asking constantly if I had found a place to get vaccinated yet, If I had been able to get an appointment, And would call me or send me emails emails that they update had been able enable to get an appointment at a mass site 20 to 45 minutes away and would call me or send me emails that they had been able to get an appointment at a mass injection site 25 to 45 minutes away and would vo on to give me the details and directions on how to get there. Now of course that would not have seemed at all strange if we had been speaking about that subject and I had expressed that I was frustrated because I had been unable to find a site that had open appointment times. But that was not the case at all ! At the time it was not even available at a legitimate M. D. and when it became the only conbersatio
Many jobs are still under threat and/or in litigation. Cases may be down but tyranny is still up.
Yes exactly, there was a time here in the states that EVERY network ran a loop of the piles of dead bodies (like we are seeing now in Ukraine), and finally you realize they were running the SAME picture of the SAME refrigerated semi-van (converted to a morgue), over and over as if it was actually happening at EVERY hospital in EVERY community in the entire USA, 24/7 running that on CNN from Atlanta and EVERY OTHER NETWORK we get here ! Got some people too frightened to even OPEN THEIR door to receive a UPS, or Fed Ex package... and now, I actually think instead of laughing at themselves now that they know what they know, I think they would still DO IT ALL AGAIN this fall. I predict before the election, all the unvaxed, or NOT up to date boosted, will be banned from VOTING IN PERSON. Probably will rig some kind of app, or website, where the unvaxed/unwashed must to cast their "votes',
Right!!?? When in reality hardly any of the overflow tents were used, and most hospitals were not at capacity, unless the area was having a spike. But media sure could give the impression that something very different was happening, as you described so well. 🙄
I agree, I think we're going to go through it all again this fall. I normally vote via mail anyway, and I haven't trusted the election system since it went to computer.
Yes, voting is too precious to have gone the tech route. It may be one of the few things we should have not "tinkered with". I remember in childhood, my parents and many of the others in our community, volunteered as election workers, on THE ELECTION DAY. It was very difficult to vote "absentee", they accepted few excuses. so people would not schedule vacations, other trips, etc. on election day
The number of legitimate excuses were few and far between. It was a LONG day for my parents and people in our community. People of BOTH parties volunteered, and if your party lost, they lost. Theu frequently had to count over and over, until 3 a.m. 5 a.m., to daylight. EVERY ballot had to be counted and secured. The paper ballots, only ONE to a person and no way to simply go to another precinct and "vote"... but then, our community was less than 50K residents, not an L.A., NYC, Chicago ! Still even big cities managed. Was their fraud, mistakes, yes, but now I actually think there was much LESS than today.
That is so cool that your parents were involved in voting process. I love voting. I agree that fraud could still happen with paper voting, but computers can change hundreds of thousands of votes in a blink of an eye. I trust paper ballots and human counting the most.
Oh definitely, not perfect of course but but the best that we can do is individual paper ballots
About the voting, I don't doubt they'd like to restrict in person voting for unvaxxed. From what I've read that maybe too much even for the lawless tyrants. Voting is one of the most legally protected rights in the law, restricting it for any reason would be tough to square in a court. They probably would have banned in person entirely in 2020 if they could get away with it, but that didn't happen anywhere, even NY and CA.
Right... but you know, so many things have now happened that in the past, I've had stimulating discussions about with friends and colleagues, and FIRMLY believed "that could never happen in THIS country".... I no longer believe that, too may things "against the law, against the constitution, etc. have happened using this "loophole" or that forgotten "law", it's like the "poison pill" in a stock take over attempt... no longer do I believe that things could not happen, things like a "plague" making a kind of Marshal law type emergency ban on in person voting, or circumstances saying, "sorry, absolutely impossible to find individuals willing to staff precincts in this "health emergency", etc. etc. I'm always on alert now !
Yeah, can't argue with that! Tough to have confidence in any law these days.
Yes, you know, there are so many horrific fallout's from all this, the obvious ones people speak of openly now, the loss of so many hours of quality education, the numbers of children left alone at home (because their parents could not stay home and teach them, so left alone and told to be sure to "pay attention" to the "Zoom" lessons. The drain on all our medical resources, the toll on our collective mental health in this country, etc. But for years to come it will be obvious how the trust of the people in their government, their judicial system (Lady Liberty with the Blindfold and Scales ?). The suspicion now of organizations that previously only had the trust of 50% or less to begin with, now how to people view such organizations as the WHO, the CDC, the U.S. National Health Service... etc. I don't think most people realize just how corrosive, how damaging it actually is to loose all confidence in their government and their system of government, there is much ahead as the damage ALL comes to light !
Yes to all the above. For me, the 2020 election destroyed my trust in the enforcement of laws more even than the pandemic directly.
Thank you for this! Hope people remember this when the madness ends (whenever that is). This is such disgusting behavior, scaring people on purpose!
Additional thanks: I had a half-draft about it and now I don't have to. :)
Don't know if you are in the USA but it certainly is not going to be "going away" with this HIGHLY contested midterm election coming this fall. It's going to be a Fauci, Uncle Joe nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue horror movie. Purposeful inflation that has NOTHING to do with "Putin" that is "explained" by people who can not possibly studied economics, micro or macro ! What a convoluted mess when they try to link this to "Putin's war".... the FIRST move the man made was "promise" a young girl (used as a photo stooge!) that he would get RID OF, not cut down on, but get RID OF, all the evil fossil fuel industry ! Then cut the pipe line, THEN let our Canadian neighbors know we preferred to buy "dirty oil" (requiring much more refining, more energy needed) from places like Venezuela, or Russia, I mean this administration is a real mess with not one having any DEPTH of understanding, or how to even begin to break down and analyze a problem, event, or situation ! ! It's frightening !
People are so conditioned to allow advertising to manipulate them, and the governments and corporations know this well. And they've taken full advantage.
If you care to, please check out this piece I wrote last week talking in detail about how these master manipulators can change the minds of those that have been conditioned.
Great substack thank you
Thanks. And thanks to the Emperor for all he does over here too.
Exactly ! I've posted before that back when I and my friends were in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, we had economics, algebra, world and U.S. history just in PREPARATION for the classes we would be REQUIRED to take in High school. Our CIVICS instructor had a weekly assignment, in ADDITION to any other home work, each week we had to choose an ad, break it down word for word, circle any words with emotional roots, and then write a summary exposing any unproven/ manipulative/subversive ideas. Every Monday these were turned in, and put on the board, and discussion was led by our teacher. Ads such as these were analyzed: More doctors smoke ____cigarettes than any other brand, YOU DESERVE a Buick, ____ the breakfast of CHAMPIONS, and our teacher would point out how nearly EVERY ad we had analyzed and turned in said NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL ! We need to put some of these things BACK into public education !
Enjoyed reading your piece BHerr, explains some fact I wasn't aware of. Thank you.
The soft propaganda in every major US drug store chain drove me nuts.
“We are offering the Safe and Effective covid vaccine....get yours now” blah blah nice music, Repeat.
Continually playing in the background.
I am not sure if it’s still as bad or if I have just tuned out the bullshit.
I'm in Australia and it has never been as bad. These days, it seems, people need to be told what to buy, what to eat, what education to get, where to invest/insure, what to think, what/who to like, how to live/spend their time, who to follow, who to trust...........anything, but to think and trust themselves.
Australia has state-specific ad campaigns by the looks of it. I have come across some on Twitter that are really horrific in their messaging (though they adopt a cheery tone):
And here's a promo ad for a quarantine facility in Queensland that makes it look like a holiday camp:
Very cheery in tone indeed, the msg is clear: protect yourself, protect it the children. Truly unbelievable, it looks to me like they're NOT aware of the data that Schizer has been releasing, not aware of any other numbers/studies that have been published, nothing like we're in the same situation from a year ago. Really scary. Data and info coming out from legit, official gov. sources let's say UK ?! You hear nothing of it. That's why I thought it must be really bad when the "Darth Vader" (qld health) came on camera with the increased numbers in emergencies. They knew they couldn't hide those. I can't wait for this tragic circus' final act.
Same here in Canada. In between all the 90s soft rock that I love while shopping 🤣they interrupt with reminders to “keep everyone safe” and social distance. Was at the mall for my teens’ bdays the other weekend and there were signs in the washrooms and throughout the mall on how to wash your hands! “20 seconds to keep our property safe”. They think we’re all stupid!!!
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, EMF radiation, GEOENGINEERING, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Worst part is they keep telling us it's for our own good, and they really believe it (or seem to, anyway). What happens to a person to make him/her into such a monster?
"Don't Accidentally Kill Someone" campaign in Oregon, USA dropped on March 29,2020. On print, tv, radio, billboards, etc. (link below)
Spoke to a relative who worked early on in 2020 as a paramedic.
He knows of hundreds of non covid cases that were ordered to be classed as covid to further the narrative.
That is one man, covering a short period of time.
The NHS knows.
They know that they are complicit in the lie.
They should also know that we know.
They know - but don't care!
It has recently come to my attention that the way they get away with lie of putting Covid on gene death certificate was to threaten to ‘cut up’ the dead relative for an autopsy, had it from a couple of U.K. sources now ( yes I know that autopsy’s were done away with but that didn’t stop those demons from playing that card ) 👿
In our blue state, we are still being subjected to scare-tactic moralizing type ads to get vaccinated. It's disgusting that federal/state taxes are used for this propaganda. When all these ads and hourly case/death updates first showed up on cable news stations, and then continued/continue to be shown, my radar peaked and I could see right through all of it. If the vaccines worked so great, why the need for all the scaremongering? Why the needs for mandates? It's amazing how easily most of the population is so easily persuaded.
Thanks for reproducing those images. The reality of it was even worse since they were widely posted on bus shelters. Imagine those pictures in a 2 meter high format. The sickly yellow and red colours were carefully chosen to horrify and sicken. I had to leave the UK (dual citizen) to preserve what was left of my mental health after the relentless assault. Can't imagine what it would have been like had I been a tv watcher.
And it was worse on sites such as Pinterest which played the same images on the top row, but as videos, or GIFs that moved. I go on Pinterest to relax and be inspired by beautiful art but I had to stop as the gasping, distressed faces in breathing apparatus were giving me flashbacks to when my father was dying ( not from covid) and it was frankly horrific
Dual citizen here too. I spent most of winter 20/21 abroad to escape the claustrophobia of the UK at the time. The mood here was miserable, society was locked down, and to add insult to injury we were being subjected to psychological torture every day via these sick propaganda campaigns, government briefings, and media headlines.
I have always thought that the Covid atrocity could not have been pulled off without corrupt community leaders. If Fauci, the WHO, etc. had gone to the podium and been truthful (“bad flu”, protect the vulnerable, common sense early treatment, etc.) common sense would have prevailed. But the power they held wouldn’t let them and as a result the globe is in tatters. Perhaps we needed this so we could find our courage.
Fauci is a war criminal. He has been waging pharmaceutical war on America and the world since the 1980s.
No contest, the U.K. beats the US hands down for shameless fear mongering Covid advertising. The American Advertising Federation must have been green with envy. After this there should be a new Advertising Awards category titled “Dumbed Down, Animal Level, Moronic”. The NHS would have walked away with it in 2020 and 2021, all smiles I’m sure.
My guess is that the reason the US didn’t follow suit is that we don’t have a nationalized health care system. Instead, the federal government just dumped money on states that they could use for “awareness” campaigns. The state bureaucracies don’t really have the infrastructure or expertise for creating decent propaganda so the money just got flushed out to the agencies and production houses and the resulting ad campaigns just got lost in the shuffle.
It was a softer approach in the U.S. but no less effective in results.
Thank you for pointing out just how calculated this whole psyop actually was:
"The ethics statement in the study says the experiments conducted were fielded under an exemption granted by the University. It’s not difficult to understand why."
I don't know how these people sleep at night.
New advertising should be BoJo dancing with the black lady with the lightsabers saying: "while you were hiding at home, some had fun"
In California, electronic signs on major freeways warned "GET VACCINATED!" and "MASKS SAVE LIVES" and on and on it went. All over, warnings and admonitions to frighten, coerce and insist that if you didn't obey, you were responsible for someone's imminent death. Silly and stupid to fall for this nonsense.
You know why this all worked so well?
Because most people did not have the fortune of taking Professor P’s composition class and doing his essay assignment on How to Read an Ad. It was a great exercise in critical thinking, one that has stuck with me subconsciously ever since. It’s really fun when I go conscious about it.
Thank you Professor P! (Even if we did end up butting heads over your progressivism in Summer of 2016.)
Yes! I also remember taking a class where we spent time discussing/dissecting advertisements and their messaging/manipulation. To this day, I credit that class/teacher for helping me to stay alert to the subtle and not so subtle mass manipulation.
I must admit I half heartedly fell for it all at the beginning! But being a psych major and an avid Mad Men watcher back in the day helped me wake up, ha! Once I realized the vax didn’t stop transmission it all unraveled much faster for me.
Unraveling is a beautiful thing!
Interestingly, we didn’t experience much propaganda after the lockdowns because we don’t have TV. And we were taking in info from as many sources as possible, before the tech companies were able to curate the internet. Now, all the sources that proved reliable early on are hard to find unless you already know of their existence. I mention this because it seems that it wasn’t just about propagating a message, but also about prohibiting opposing messages.
Oregon is sold out to China, Soros, Klaus. Brown should be arrested for treason and murder
Here's one I saw recently on local TV.
Avoid the Drama - Wedding Invite (30 seconds)
Thanks for a good laugh! I waited for Big Bird to jump out!
That's a horrible ad. Trying to normalise something abhorrent (excluding the unvaccinated from social events)... o_O
This explains why Americans have been far more judgmental around vaccination, and far more venomous in how they've treated their friends and family. A friend of mine in the U.S. recently sent an email about the birth of her baby and at the end it said: "Please be up-to-date with your covid booster if you wish to visit and snuggle our little one".
I was appalled. This would be incredibly inappropriate in the UK... Not saying it hasn't happened (there are extremists everywhere) but I haven't personally come across this type of exclusion and discrimination directly from people (even those who are very pro-vaxx). In general people here are far more guarded about asking about vaccination status -- most people see it as private information, unless you're a very close friend or family member. People are much more comfortable volunteering their own status, rather than asking about someone else's (as it should be, really).
What did happen in the UK was that the Govt promoted testing hardcore and made rapid tests available for free. So it became a bit of a fad for a while for people to request that everyone attending an event get tested beforehand. Still medically coercive -- but at least not discriminatory.
These are so appalling
Those posters are chilling, horrifying, even more than the TV ads with the specially written song with the words "little ones, don't worry now, NOW you get to LIVE, you're parents LOVE you your parents CARE, so you get to LIVE.... " then shows holding your children and grandchildren while they are given the "vaccination"... I feel physically ill just watching it !
is that song for real? Wow!
Yes ! a kind of "folk" like song you'd play for kindergarten, "little ones, you can LIVE, you're going to be okay, etc. lyrics ! Usually pay no attention when ads come on TV, but song got my attention, turned, and just shook my head in amazement. Not something typical of Fl public health announcements ! Then had to get close to screen to see the TINY "sponsored by", almost can't make it out, but appears to be a federally "sponsored" (tax payer paid") ad aimed at vaccinating very small children ! ! Really turned me off, I assume this is running nationally since, as I said, nothing like FL public service announcements ! The vaccination of small children, as well as teens, is not going well here (from the government perspective), and especially not well in Florida. As elections draw near, the politicians may have to make a choice between continuing to push the government "vaccines" on youth, and backing off so as to look less authoritarian driven ? Signs seem to be ever super "progressive" (lots and lots of shots... as many as the law will allow) California is showing sings of backing off on injecting children ... hummm, elections nearing I guess ! ?
I have to compose myself to put a lid on my anger. Same thing is happening with the push to 'educate' little children about gender and sexuality at school.
Oh wow these are HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see more! Although I thought this would make me laugh but really it’s pissing me off! Anyway, here in Canada we still have YouTube ads (in between the Russell Brand videos I watch 🤣) on how the best way to protect your children is to get them vaxxed. And when I go into the drug store now there’s a sign that says “masks strongly encouraged while shopping”. Will it ever end?!!!
We were always at war with east Asia.
War is peace
Save lives by destroying them
I often think that it is such pitty that so few have read the book.
Those advertisements should be in the category 'crimes against humanity'.
The only thing that overrules logic is emotion, they knew this. The logic was non existent so they had to resort to fear 📈😳
As you rightly say the advertising spend was massive, the government became the advertisers best customer ( for a while ) but now that is at an end and I can’t wait for all these cucks to go bust 📉🚽
Don’t forget ‘don’t let a coffee cost a life’
Remember Obama removed the Smith/ Mundt Act to protect us from Government/ Media Propaganda
I’m sure other countries too
Had to get the Obamacare propaganda machine up and running.
Exactly, disagree w Obama politics. You’re a Racist! Whaaaat. I don’t like what he’s doing. No, you’re a white supremest hater racist. But I’m black. No you’re not black, you’re an Oreo…… on and on
It's stunning and hilarious watching those people twist themselves into pretzels that way.
It was shocking at first.
Psychological warfare of silencing good people.
This is just this past week...
Those ads are disgusting. We had a lot of propaganda here in Australia, but nothing this bad (that I am aware of). Scare-mongering "news" articles were probably the worst, to my way of thinking.
Of course, different states here had different ad campaigns (I'm in Queensland) so maybe other states can tell a different story.
Looks like Reefer Madness
Seems like they learned much from all those animal experiments, particularly those on primates.
You may find the “octalysis framework” enlightening. Originally intended for gamification, it appears to have been weaponized against the masses. But it’s possible that the research he used to develop the framework is what’s being weaponized against us, and his framework is a consolidation of that research. Either way, it’s useful.
You’ll have to move past the slimy promotional aspects of the framework. The intended audience seems to be corporate types. But I’m telling you, it’s such a useful consolidation of the research on motivating human behavior.
Thank God BoJo followed these rules...
Here’s a horrific Australian ad that was played on prime time tv:
Funnily enough, the main push back for this ad was that the actress is young, and vaccines weren’t available for that age group at the time.
Wow, that is awful and also blatant disinformation. It's the closest I've seen to the UK campaign (we had TV and radio versions of the ads above, with very sinister music and disturbing hospital scenes). Example:
Yeah it’s crazy to think that was only 9 months ago and that healthy people genuinely thought that would be their experience of Covid — struggling to breathe on a ventilator in hospital. I’m just grateful the public perception is finally starting to shift.
Excellent article; thank you.
This is a TV ad running in my area. Really unbelievable! 😡
Here’s one!
This will be enough to make you barf. Reading from the same script much?
Yuval And the rest of the Globalist must be eradicated.
It’s us or them time
I live in the UK but have travelled to Spain to see my family throughout the pandemic (well, once their harsh national lockdown ended in June 2020). In Spain I have never seen a propaganda campaign like what we had in the UK. I saw plenty of standard public health signage -- reminders to wear obligatory masks on transport or stores, or to stay 2m apart. But I never saw anything that could be classed as a government campaign designed to instill fear, guilt and shame.
In Spain, that was purely the role of the media. While the government relayed information in a matter-of-fact way or tried to appeal to people's sense of solidarity (for example, saying things like "masks protect everyone"), it was the broadcasters who stoked fear, shamed people, and speculated constantly about imminent spikes if people mixed too much, or didn't wear masks properly, or took summer holidays.
It was a real respite, as an ordinary person, travelling to Spain during the worst of the UK fear campaign -- between autumn 2020 and spring 2021. In Spain, all I had to do to escape the propaganda was to switch off the TV and not look at newspapers. In the UK, it truly felt inescapable. Right outside my block of flats there was a digital display showing the "look me in the eyes" ads on loop, and a bit further down my street there were giant billboards showcasing that same messaging. It was dreadful -- I even made a Twitter thread about it a little over a year ago
The very worst here in NYC have been the TV ads.. one running now says "Kids can be vaccine heroes" then shows masked kiddies age 5 in superhero costumes urging jabs for everyone over age 5 saying save lives. More pervasive is the billion dollar PR campaign blanketing our subways, promoting jabs with incentives and full court press for masks & claims jabs are safe and effective. My Flickr has an assortment if anyone is curious how the world capitol of advertising competes to manufacture consent for political policy.
As a side note the expanding mandates here have forced me out of a *volunteer photography* role as city jab mandates now includes all city workers and unpaid program volunteers. Everyone is safer with my park pics banned from WSP Flickr, sigh.
This is a six foot high subway sign if you look closely you see the person seated behind it.
Full album starts at the outset of 2020 lockdown when few of us were always out & about.
Thank you for sharing! It's fascinating to document as so many people have memory-holed a lot of what we've been subjected to. The "free vaccinations, free rides" sign is especially galling! As a Spanish speaker I am also amused at all the signs intended to reach the Hispanic population.
I live in the UK and have photographic record of all the ad campaigns but haven't created an online repository, so to speak. I did do a Twitter thread last year documenting the worst of it, though
The messaging softened up a little with omicron but was still dystopian -- "Don't let covid hang around", featuring a sinister black mist floating around people going about their day-to-day lives.
The most base, ego centric people seek power, fame and wealth (represented today in politicians, media and the least skilled in their field rising to the top of industry). Even without the corruption of the past 50 or more years human nature and rapidly evolving tech would have lead us in this direction. I do not believe these A-holes represent the majority of the human race. How the hell do we usurp their power? It was bad enough when this transparent fear propaganda worked in real time (hyped terrorist threat, hyped corona, hyped this and that for 60 years). There has to be a way to counter it. If not, here in the US we will just usher in new neolib and neocon patsies to do the corporate lobbyist bidding for money and media attention. I can't puke and choke on my bile for the remaining years of my life. If this BS isn't exposed and corrected now then it never will be. There has to be a way to wake up the people falling for this crap. One at a time attempts are starting to feel demoralizing.
So these are really similar to the ads that the UK government started to pump out around March/April 2021 and into summer. They purposefully shifted the tone from threatening to reassuring so as to align with the loosening of restrictions, and adopted the slogan "Let's keep going". Still infuriating, but not as dystopian.
And of course, the vaccine propaganda was never threatening. It was very similar to the second video in your list. The official slogan was "Every vaccination gives us hope". Here's one example: