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Last week a story appeared in The Times with the headline - “Johnson tried to give Carrie top Foreign Office job during affair”. This was an article by Simon Walters claiming that the UK Prime Minster, Boris Johnson, tried to appoint his now wife, Carrie Symonds, to a top paying role within the Foreign Office. Boris was married to another woman at the time but having an affair with Carrie.
However, this embarrassing article was quickly removed from The Times and no searches can find it any longer.
It was also reported on by, as was the disappearing article I wrote about a few days ago. But click on the MSN link above and, again, the article has gone and you are diverted to the home page.
Fortunately, some people were savvy enough to save an image of the article. So if you fancy reading the original claims made in the article, here you go.
Apparently, the Daily Mail was offered the story but it didn’t fit in with their views so turned it down. However, once the story broke in The Times (only on page 5), they decided it was too juicy to ignore and reported on it online.
The story was breaking just as Boris Johnson had arrived for his second surprise visit to Kiev. It seems he quickly got No. 10 staff on the case and by the afternoon the article had disappeared from subsequent editions, as well as online versions being wiped.
Where there is a scandal, you can be sure Dominic Cummings is not far behind with more incriminating information. Dominic was once the Chief Adviser to Boris Johnson but has since massively fallen out with him. He is behind many of the leaks and claims over the recent lockdown partygate scandal. Yesterday he tweeted the following in connection with the story:

Dominic Cummings’ tweets are often difficult to read. This one is not as bad as some of his others but a quick translation for you. The shopping trolley/cart emoji is what he calls Boris Johnson because he says without being steered Boris just wheels about all over the shop, smashing from aisle to aisle.
These kind of stories are nothing new in politics but it seems, even with the Internet, they are still able to be hidden with a few shady phone calls. The majority of the public get their information from one, or maybe two, Main Stream Media news outlets, so if the story disappears from these, it disappears from public awareness. The Internet was meant to liberate the control of information but it seems, unless you go looking for it, it is as tightly controlled as ever. And unfortunately, with the Online Safety Bill in the UK and Julian Assange extradition, as well as other disturbing new legislation in other countries, things are only going to get worse.
The article is telling in another way. It says colleagues blocked the appointment because “it would have left him dangerously exposed”, not because, say, it would have been improper and unethical.
In other words, their ethic is “do whatever you want, but don’t get caught”.
That this is true is entirely evident through even the most superficial analysis of what goes on daily.
Little wonder everything is such a mess. These people don’t take their positions seriously.
1984 strikes again... Big Brother never said!
When will they realise that hiding it just makes it worse.