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Today’s book is:
Long Live Novichok!: The British poison which fooled the world by John Helmer
Novichok is the notorious warfighting poison which has killed no one but fooled everyone.
At least that’s how British Government officials, scientists, chemical warfighters, policemen, media reporters, and judges intend the Novichok story to be told.
Theirs is the story of the assassination, ordered by President Vladimir Putin in Moscow and attempted in Salisbury on March 4, 2018, by two military officers tracked and filmed to every location but not the murder scene; with a weapon not detected at the scene nor in the blood streams and bodily tissues of their murder targets.
The victims, Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal, have been made to disappear and are either incommunicado in prison or dead. The only direct testimony which has been recorded voluntarily in front of witnesses was given by Yulia Skripal, in hospital four days after the attack, when she identified the assassination attempt as having been carried out with poison spray by an attacker who was not Russian, just minutes before she and her father collapsed. She meant the poison was British; the assassin British.
The motive for the Novichok crime turns out to be hearsay by the British government against the Russian government.
In political and military terms, the Novichok poison story is propaganda between enemies at war. Judgement of what happened to the Skripals is a weapon of this war. And so it has turned out that there has been no court trial or test of the Novichok narrative, according to British law. Instead, there has been a proceeding which looked like a court trial but wasn’t; in which the Skripals were represented by police interrogators and by lawyers who said nothing; presided over by a judge who wasn’t. In other words, a show trial in a time of war.
The truth of what happened has no political or military value, certainly not to the prosecuting British side; not much to the defending Russian side. But as the evidence has surfaced piece by piece over the past five years since the first investigation was published in February 2020 as Skripal in Prison, the truth reveals that Novichok was ineffective as a poison but very successful as a deception operation by the British. They reversed the hands of the assassin; planted a British-made chemical weapon to look like a Russian one; invented the death of bystander Dawn Sturgess to substitute for Sergei and Yulia Skripal who didn’t die; and suppressed the evidence of what had happened – witnesses, videotapes, toxicology, autopsy records.
Not quite all the evidence, however. This book has been written to reveal new evidence explaining that Sergei Skripal was a triple agent attempting to return to Russia. His rescue, an exfiltration operation by the Russian military intelligence organization (GRU), used decoys to mislead British surveillance and conceal the escape plan. But the British anticipated and decided to act preemptively, attacking both Skripals, reversing culpability, and convicting the Russians for the British crime.
You can buy the book here (Amazon link).
This book look very interesting
Thanks for posting it
Craig Murray was one of the first people to call this out as a false flag. It is despicable.