Obviously the answer to the question ‘how many child deaths to protect the elderly are acceptable?’ is zero. Well in my eyes anyway, some may disagree.
You may have already heard of Jeremy Farrar and Chris Whitty or read about them in some of my articles. Mr. Farrar has become more well known after his early 2020 discussions with Fauci to supress the lab-leak theory. Chris Whitty is England’s Chief Medical Officer.
In December 2020, Mr. Whitty (or should I say Sir Whitty as he was knighted this year for his role in lockdowns) warned that Covid would surge if social rules were ignored. Jeremey Farrar agreed with Whitty and tweeted his article.

In response, I tweeted Mr. Farrar and Mr. Whitty and asked the following:

Will a huge swathe of the population suddenly get ill from regular viruses? And what will happen to babies and young children’s under-developed immune systems.
Did I get a response? Of course not. Did they ever undertake such an analysis in private? I doubt it, the lockdown ideology was still too strong at that point.
And almost two years later we get the result. Within almost a week, nine young children in England and Wales have tragically died from Strep A bacterial infections.
Strep A can cause tonsillitis and scarlet fever but occasionally this can lead to invasive Group A strep which can in turn result in meningitis or sepsis.
On 2 December 2022, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) published a press release stating that scarlet fever cases continue to remain higher than would typically be seen at this time of year. In week 46 there were 851 cases compared with an average of 186 in normal years.
Stats from the press release showed that in children aged 1 to 4 there are currently 2.3 cases per 100,000 children when usually there are 0.5 In children aged 5 to 9 there are 1.1 cases per 100,000 children when usually there are 0.3.
Most concerning of all is that in the last high season for Strep A infections (2017/2018) there were four deaths in the whole year. So far this year, there have been nine deaths in one week.
On Monday, Dr Susan Hopkins (Chief Medical Adviser at the UKHSA) discussed the situation on BBC Radio 4. Here she confirmed that lockdowns may be the reason we are seeing these deaths.
She said “we’re back to normal social mixing and the patterns of diseases that we’re seeing in the last number of months are out of sync with the normal season as people mix back to normal and move around and pass infections on…We also need to recognise that the measures that we’ve taken for the last couple of years to reduce Covid circulating will also reduce other infections circulating. And so that means that, as things get back to normal, these traditional infections that we’ve seen for many years are circulating at great levels.”
So there we have it, according to Dr. Hopkins, lockdowns have resulted in traditional viruses circulating at greater levels and greater levels mean more deaths. Did Mr. Farrar or Mr. Whitty want to discuss this in 2020? No. Did any of the lockdown enthusiasts allow any kind of analysis or debate? No. Every time I started discussing these points, I was instantly shot down, people got angry, I was called a ‘Granny killer’ or words to that effect and I was told I was only putting the economy before health because I was a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
And sadly, in the not too distant future, similar things will happen again because the lockdown ideologues are now in denial that they supported lockdowns. At first I thought they were slightly embarrassed but now I genuinely believe they are suffering from some kind of amnesia. Their lockdown support never existed. They have completely forgotten. But I haven’t and I will know who not to trust and who to actively avoid in any future event.
But whilst lockdowns are inevitably having a knock-on impact on people’s health now, is it the full story? The ‘immunity debt’ theory may not apply to Strep A because why would the children fare any better if they had caught the infection in previous years? It seems as though the infection is either stronger or immune systems are weaker. Or perhaps a combination of both.
Lockdowns would account for weaker immune systems but is there anything else going on?
Covid and vaccines can have an immunosuppressant effect. The vaccine status of the children who have sadly died is not known but the majority of kids in this age bracket have not been vaccinated against Covid.
Furthermore, could infections be gaining strength, either in the children themselves or in adults before being passed to the children? Could the viruses be mutating or strengthening in bodies with weakened immune systems? Again, current Covid infections could be weakening immune systems and in adults, vaccines could also be a culprit.
As I wrote about in January, we are still learning how viruses work and they can, in fact, act in an almost quantum like way. Viruses can lay dormant in a person not causing any harm but if enough infected people come together, the viruses can form a swarm. The viruses in this swarm can then ‘learn’ from each other.
You can think of a swam as a mutant cloud of variants, swarming both in and around a host, searching for the highest fitness state for a particular population. Therefore, at any one point in time, there is no specific variant of a virus in a host but instead a multitude of variants. Instead of the traditional method of testing for a particular variant, a more statistical approach has to be taken (as is done in quantum science) to determine which spectrum of mutations are likely to emerge.
So one possibility is (and this is purely speculation), mass vaccination has resulted in immunosuppression and negative vaccine efficacy for infection. As a result people are walking around left, right and centre catching Covid. Covid then further weakens their immune system allowing previously dormant viruses to regain strength and start doing some harm.
As I say this is all speculation. We don’t know whether the primary cause of these children’s deaths is lockdowns, Covid or vaccines. Or a combination of them all.
However, we do know that the lockdown enthusiasts didn’t want to listen about any potential future harms. No discussion was allowed. They might argue that their draconian stance was because they knew, or suspected, Covid was genetically engineered from a lab. But again, by keeping this information secret, they prevented scientists and medics from learning how best to deal with Covid.
We are also seeing massive (and I mean massive) numbers of RSV and Influenza (probably 70/30) in the peds ICU with high death rates. We have run out of respirators (for real -- not the covid respirator fraud) and have techs hand bagging children in the hallway (run out of bed space, too). These numbers dwarf the handful of Strep A cases they are seeing in the UK, as ugly as they are.
If you want to talk about a crime against humanity, just watch these parents of normal five month olds who were completely normal yesterday looking at their dead baby today. (RSV takes infants down really, really fast in some children -- and because it virtually blocks all oxygen exchange surfaces in those tiny lungs, short of ECMO (we do not have enough pediatric ECMO machines by far) it is just a quick and miserable death by asphyxiation.) Some of us (including you) warned about this starting in 2020. Now it is all coming to pass. And not a word about how heinous this all is.
I am slow to anger, but this is so tragic it is hard to have any other response. But do not worry, Dr. Fauci has no recollection about any of it so it must be OK.
Not a single covid case, incidentally. Talk about a crime against humanity.
"And sadly, in the not too distant future, similar things will happen again because the lockdown ideologues are now in denial that they supported lockdowns. At first I thought they were slightly embarrassed but now I genuinely believe they are suffering from some kind of amnesia. Their lockdown support never existed. They have completely forgotten. But I haven’t and I will know who not to trust and who to actively avoid in any future event."
This is the major lesson for all of us. We now realize who would have turned Anne Frank into the authorities, and hopefully we've cut all those people out of our lives.